Pupil Premium/Disadvantaged

We currently have a small proportion of children at school (5.9%) who are, or have been, entitled to free school meals at any point in the last six years. 

The income generated (£34,040 2024/25) is used to support the identified children on an individual basis, to help raise attainment and to ensure that support is tailored to specific needs.

Our Pupil Premium Strategy for 2024-2025 (1st year of 3 year strategy) can be read here.

This money has been allocated in the following ways:

  • To provide 'extended school' support
    For example, to support attendance at after school clubs, residential visits, subsidised educational visits, uniform.
  • To deliver targeted support to boost progress and attainment.
  • Additional interventions for both groups and individuals to accelerate progress and attainment.
  • One to one support and teaching in reading, writing or maths. 
  • To provide enrichment opportunities, for example, music tuition/hire of instruments
  • To provide appropriate pastoral support including employment of specialist services including counselling and mentoring. 
  • To support the cost of employing a Health and Wellbeing Mentor .

Our aim is to close the gap in attainment and educational opportunity between those children attracting pupil premium funding and 'others' i.e. those children from more privileged backgrounds.

How will we know that the funding is having an impact?

Intervention, academic or pastoral, is measured in pupil progress meetings at least termly.

Our tracking systems ensure that children's progress is monitored carefully and that provision matches individual need at any given point in time. The pupil premium children are highlighted on school systems to allow careful monitoring of both individuals and the group as a whole.

The school's ethos is one of genuine concern and care for all to achieve their fullest potential. Great emphasis is placed on all staff members knowing and understanding every child well, treating children with the utmost respect and empowering them to become responsible, confident and resilient learners in our team. As such, we discuss, monitor and support children's wellbeing needs regularly which informs the cycle of provision.

Effectiveness of PP spending 

Our school has identified attendance as a key issue impacting on the children in this group's attainment, particularly for some of our more vulnerable children. 

The progress of Pupil Premium children is good, especially with regard to the impact of our reading intervention programmes. Across the school, all children who received mentoring support for reading improved their reading ages leading to accelerated progress.

A full report of the impact of the Pupil Premium funding, the Pupil Premium Statement, can be found here:  2023-2024.